Still Spirits Air Still Carbon Filter & Collection System

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Still Spirits
Experience home distillation perfection with the Still Spirits Carbon Filter & Collection System. Expertly designed for filtering and collecting distilled spirit, this system ensures a clean, purified product every time. It's easy to use - simply run your liquor through the activated carbon filter for a smoother, flavour-enhanced finish. The collection system makes handling and storage hassle-free. Improve your home distilling process with Still Spirits Carbon Filter & Collection System.

Still Spirits Filter and Collector 1.2L: Sleek design that holds all the spirit to be filtered after watering down.

It is vital to water the spirit down to below 50% ABV to assist in the removal of impurities from the wash.carbon filtering watered down spirit is always more effective than filtering during distillation. The superior solid carbon Cartridge as opposed to the old style granular carbon 'tea bags'. These 'carbon cartridges' produce a cleaner base with less effort and less mess The filter incorporates cartridge technology. Having the carbon ground to powder and then pressed together ensures that the spirit makes contact with a much greater surface area of the carbon. Carbon have “active sites” which are pores that trap impurities. By forcing the spirit past a huge number of these you increase the opportunity for the carbon to remove any impurities. If you can imagine a stream of water flowing over a stony river bed compared with the same water passed through an artesian bed, how much purer the water would be. The gap between the carbon pieces in a cartridge is 5 – 10 microns so the water has to literally squeeze through bits of carbon which all have their active pores exposed. It fits inside the Air Still for ease of storage when not in use.

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